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Want to learn more about us? Well, we’re leading the charge for a four day week revolution. Work-life balance is a phrase you hear trotted out by a lot of companies when they’re trying to get you to apply for a job or sign on the dotted line. It’s often a hollow promise. But Four Day Week only advertise roles that genuinely offer exactly that. All the jobs you see on this site are flexible in some way. Remote, with reduced hours, flexi-time or, of course, four day weeks. We’re talking great roles with progressive companies. You can check out some of these great companies by taking a peek at our blog.

A four day working week has numerous benefits which can have long lasting effects for staff, employers and society as a whole. Across the world different countries have different working cultures. According to the World Economic Forum, Mexico has the longest average working week at 43 hours. Interestingly, whilst Germans work the least hours per week of those studied, they are in fact a nation with one of the highest productivity levels. German workers are considered to be a whopping 27% more productive than their British counterparts. Other European countries, including Holland, Denmark and France, also enjoy shorter working hours whilst maintaining high levels of productivity. Dig a little deeper and click on one of the buttons below…

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